Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Wow it's 2014 already!!! 2013 was such a quick year for me that I almost can't believe today is today, if you know what I mean? 

So regular posting is back from now on as I'm over the whole festive period now and am back to selfish sewing/ knitting  for me and for Bug and Squish yay!!! 

I was so busy in the run up to Christmas making pressies that I haven't done ANYTHING for myself! My Miette is still only at row 27, my Cynthia Rowley dress is still in its muslin phase, my Circle Skirt needs hemmed and my Knickers still need elastic!  Not to mention I still need to share my review of the pattern!  I better get my bum in gear!  Oh I actually started something new too, I'm terrible! Currently on the pins is the Cowl for the Winter Eye Open Tunic by LucySusy Grace which you can find on Ravelry.  It's a fab little pattern for doing in from of the tv since it's only a 3 row repeat.  Since my hubby treated me to this beautiful pink Aran wool at Christmas that's what in using to make it.

Also check out my new size 19 needles from hubster too! Eeeeekkkkk what to make? What to make?

Here's the start of my cowl.

I can already tell it's going to be lovely and snug! 

So now it's officially 2014 it means Project 2014 is now in effect! For regular updates check out the Facebook  Page where I also welcome your contributions so feel free to message me there.  Regular readers will know I have pledged to buy NO NEW CLOTHES for the whole year.  I can go wild making from scratch, wear what I have, refashion and buy from charity shops but I can't but anything to wear which is new.  I have had some wonderful donations made to me for this challenge.  Some of it is ready to wear and some of it isn't so watch this space for more info.

As Project 2014 is my New Years Resolution and I've shared with you, I'd love to hear/ read what yours are, feel free to drop me a wee comment, I love to chat.

Thank you for baring with me and Happy New Year! Gem xxx

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